
网站建设 2167
今天给各位分享长春网站建设翻译的知识,其中也会对长春翻译英文进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!本文目录一览: 1、长春哪家网站建设的好呀?我想建设一个网,求助!






How do I create a web site

To develop an efficient site requires carefully planning. Construction site before the process of understanding all of the progress of the project will be for you to save time and money. Whether it is only a few pages of the site or have hundreds of pages and the complexity of advanced dynamic web site features, and their development are similar.

Web site development is divided into six basic phases: planning, content to start in graphic design, programming, marketing, promotion and maintenance. Different based on your fields of expertise to engage in, you may progress in some stage of the project or need help at some stage. You want the same thinking like an architect: First of all, a good piece of design drawings, which may require the help of an architect; and then to address different tasks to individual contractor employment, or employment, a general contractor.


First of all, be clear who the Web site audience. This is very crucial, because a number of design and content of the determination of all depend on this. This site is for children or for adults? The target audience is the Web site from work, school or family access to the network? Internet connection speed? They would like to receive information or entertainment? From the outset we should make sure that you know the answers to these questions.

For the convenience of visitors, and easy to maintain website, you must be a good Web site organization. Is usually the way to use flow chart, in the series outline map or chart on the board to plan for your site. May consider the use of index cards to indicate the desired page. You can quickly re-arrangement of these websites. Whether you are working alone or with colleagues or experts, which really helps the image to show the structure of the site.

At this stage you want as much time to browse the Web. Serious look at your favorite site. Many sites are designed crown and the name of the company's link to its Web site so that you can also see the development of what was made. If you decided to seek external help, we must ensure that the company has developed a similar scale and scope of the capacity of the site.

Please note that the construction site is a long-term ongoing process. Most of site requires frequent updates, this is because electronic publishing technology enables rapid and relatively cheap. Better planning of the site to simplify the process. There is no need to re-designed Web site will be able to easily add new content and functionality.

Content start

Website content is likely to have both information and contains information that will be created. At this point you may want to have the creative employment of a clerk, or in order to meet the needs of business, employment, a good network of public relations professionals to help you write the company and its products and services inherent characteristics.

There is a class of customer service information. What customers most frequently asked question? If you do not have a list of common questions and answers, please sit down with you alone, or together with your staff to sit down and write one. Then this information posted on website. Customers can access from the site of the answer, the more savings can be letters or answer phone answer the same question of the time spent thinking.

The contents of a supervisor or project manager should take to create the content required to update the text, graphics, responsibilities and procedures, and online content distribution. If the company does not have such experts, you can obtain temporary employment of such help. One-Stop web development company may be able to such services.

“网站正在建设中,现在为您转入中文页面” 请问如何将这句话翻译成英文?谢谢!

The website is under construction. 没问题很地道 ... 不过也很保守

建议考虑:Our English site is still being perfected.

(我们的英语网站仍在完善中. . .)

and now you'll be brought to the Chinese page.

建议改为: But we'd like to first invite you to a sneak preview of our Chinese version.


做一点视觉效果,打出 " Transfer in process ...."




网站优化:website optimization

网站建设:website construction

网站维护:website maintenance



(我以前上过一个香港的网页 网页维护的时候就这么写的)


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